• Project Outline

          • 29.01.2024 21:55
          •  HURRY UP!

            The name of the project finds inspiration in the lyrics of the song ‘Corner of the Earth’ by Jamiroquai. The line actually goes “…if you hurry you can get a ray on you…” and is really a call for enjoyment of the pleasures of the Earth, which we humans are part of. But also, it is a vindication for the urgent need of human action to prevent Mother Earth’s destruction. There is no time to waste, and we have to act now! Human beings have to take part in sorting enviromental issues out.

          • Hurry Up! is in keeping with our Erasmus + Acreditation goal: 

            1. Healthy habits and the Environment
            2. Mobility of our students
            3. Inclusion


            The two latter objectives will be achieved through the two mobilities taking place during school year 2022/23. On the one hand, the Polish school is going to Spain in March. On the other hand, the Spanish school is going to Poland in April. The first and third objective will be also attained through different environmentally-oriented activities carried out by our Erasmus + students during the school year. Besides, our objectives are ambitious as we want the activities to have a bigger impact on the educative community. Thus, the activities will be sometimes carried out by a bigger number of students. In any case, they will be disseminated so that the purpose and message of our project are conveyed to the most of the educative community.                                            

                                                                                           FERNANDO RODRIGUEZ MORENO /Profesorado

                                                                                                      IES  Virgen del Rosario


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